
Projet Comenius 2010-2012 du Lycée Victor Hugo de Marseille:

"L'Europe des arts, creuset des identités plurielles."

Qui sommes nous?

Voici l'équipe Comenius du Lycée général Victor Hugo de Marseille:

Nicole VILLAIN : Professeur d'arts plastiques et d'histoire des arts. .

Muriel BENISTY : Professeur d’anglais. Enseigne le cinéma dans les options Histoire des arts.

Corinne CHAPEL : Professeur d’anglais.

Delphine COHEN : Professeur d’italien.

Didier NIETO : Professeur d’espagnol.

Jean-Roger RIBAUD: Proviseur du Lycée Victor Hugo

mercredi 30 mars 2011

Incontro con il fotografo e regista Lorenzo Cicconi Massi

Liceo Artistico Mengaroni – 12 marzo 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011 in the auditorium of Liceo Artistico Mengaroni Nstudents met photographer and director Lorenzo Cicconi Massi. The artist who comes from theMarche region, will contribute with some of his works to the exhibition to be held in Pesaro in March 2012 as part of the Comenius Project "Europe of the Arts " on the theme oflandscape as a trace of passages.
He presented his works and answered numerous questions from students about his profession.

mercredi 16 mars 2011

Jeux Contre Je
Exposition d’art contemporain

Espace Pouillon, Bibliothèque Saint Charles

Cette exposition, entièrement montée par des élèves et bientôt par vous expose L’art contemporain en vidéo sur le thème de l’Europe des Arts, espace des Identités plurielles. Pas besoin d’entrer dans « la cour des grands » pour comprendre ce qu’est l’Art ! Grace à l’association Sextant et plus et le Frac, l’art n’est plus un mystère !

Horaires d’ouverture :
Du mardi au samedi : 10h-12h / 13h30-17h30
Espace Fernand Pouillon
Rez–de-chaussée de la Bibliothèque de L’Université de Provence
04 91 10 85 29

Contact :
Nicole Villain
Lycée Victor Hugo
3 Boulevard Gustave Desplaces
13003 Marseille
04 91 11 05 10



mercredi 2 mars 2011


A little update on our work

On 14 February some of us students participating in the Comenius project gathered in the school auditorium for a meeting with teachers Marco Altea and Stefania Antonioni.

Our teachers first presented an overall picture on the theme of landscape with historical and bibliographical references.

We also discussed the content of a video with interviews taken from TV news and talk shows.Together with the teachers we are  preparing  a report which we would like to post in the blog to ask ourcolleagues” to join the discussion. We also know which artists have accepted our invitation to collaborate with us, interacting with their works on the landscape. We are divided into groups, each of which must personally contact an artist and propose  him an interview or  conversation that later will be  posted in the blog. One of these artists, photographer Cicconi Massi, will soon be at our school to talk to us and the students of the graphics section.