
Projet Comenius 2010-2012 du Lycée Victor Hugo de Marseille:

"L'Europe des arts, creuset des identités plurielles."

Qui sommes nous?

Voici l'équipe Comenius du Lycée général Victor Hugo de Marseille:

Nicole VILLAIN : Professeur d'arts plastiques et d'histoire des arts. .

Muriel BENISTY : Professeur d’anglais. Enseigne le cinéma dans les options Histoire des arts.

Corinne CHAPEL : Professeur d’anglais.

Delphine COHEN : Professeur d’italien.

Didier NIETO : Professeur d’espagnol.

Jean-Roger RIBAUD: Proviseur du Lycée Victor Hugo

lundi 19 mars 2012

Ceramics lab at Mengaroni Istituto del Arte Pesaro (12/03/2012)

During our stay in Pesaro (3d Exchange Comeniusproject ,,Arts in Europe as a melting pot of plural cultural identities'') we were introduced into the fascinating art of ceramics, one of the study objects at Istituto del Arte Mengaroni, our partnerschool. For me this lab was one of the highpoints during the exchange. I never experienced it before and the fact that we could experiment ourselves by designing a ceramic tile was really top! Graziemille to the schoolhead Mrs. Marcella Tinazzi and her helpful staff of teachers-artists!

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