
Projet Comenius 2010-2012 du Lycée Victor Hugo de Marseille:

"L'Europe des arts, creuset des identités plurielles."

Qui sommes nous?

Voici l'équipe Comenius du Lycée général Victor Hugo de Marseille:

Nicole VILLAIN : Professeur d'arts plastiques et d'histoire des arts. .

Muriel BENISTY : Professeur d’anglais. Enseigne le cinéma dans les options Histoire des arts.

Corinne CHAPEL : Professeur d’anglais.

Delphine COHEN : Professeur d’italien.

Didier NIETO : Professeur d’espagnol.

Jean-Roger RIBAUD: Proviseur du Lycée Victor Hugo

samedi 1 octobre 2011

Marcel Broodthaers Wednesday 10/5 2 p.m. Ostend Mu.ZEE

The Belgian poet Marcel Broodthaers (Brussels 1924-Cologne 1976) was unable to sell his collection ,,Pense-Bête'' in the early sixties. He decided to finish with poetry. He embedded 44 of his unsold collections into plaster. Broodthaers had a clear interest in the relationship between word and image, with assemblages of empty egg shells and mussel shells: ,,moule'' means both mussel and mould in French. Or rebus-like representations originating from various sign systems (like in this movie above). In '68 he even opened a fictitious museum with empty transport crates and a couple of reproductions of paintings. He discussed the role of the museums and the manner in which art works are displayed: he criticised hypocricy and perversion of power in our society: the emphasis is on the idea, which is more important than the graphic design. Conceptual art.

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